This month Cape Canopy Tour celebrates it’s 1st birthday and aside from a really fun special, we thought we should share some our highlights from the past year.

It all began with some rather intense construction:

12 months ago, we were putting the finishing touches on our platforms



We built a bridge…


And converted the old Mule Stable into a rustic base for our operations – and our Sunbird coffee shop

Ryan lived in the ‘stable’ during the construction phase and explained that before they used machines to pull out the felled timber, they used to use donkeys. And this building was their home – and his (for awhile) – and still smelt like it in the beginning!

People are key to Cape Canopy Tour:

Our close-knit guiding team got more and more professional with each trip


And after lots of hard work, our first guides received their FGASA level one certification


We’ve had a few romantic, champagne popping surprises!


And close encounters with local wildlife


We’ve had lots of fun along the way too:

Our Halloween night tour was a ‘scream’…


We had our own #instaAdventure


And started our own ‘Snow Patrol’

White capped mountains made for fantastic photographs.

We had a few film crews visit to share the #flyAirNature magic


After a wonderful first year, there’s nothing better than sitting back with a delicious cappuccino from our coffee shop and planning all the adventures that lie ahead in the 365 days!


We’re serious about nature… and good coffee!